Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Journal 6: Ten reasons to get rid of Homework

Spencer, J. T. (2011, September 19). Ten reasons to get rid of homework (and five alternatives). Retrieved from

John Spencer is arguing the many reasons that he doesn’t give homework to students. He is looking at statistics, experience as a father, as well as the needs of students and pointing out that success doesn’t come from kids doing homework, but rather giving them the opportunities to learn on their own. One of these choices is a student being given the opportunity to attend after school tutoring. The point is a child that is willing to learn and given these types of opportunities will learn. The key to working hard in a classroom is motivation. Spencer’s ideas lead him to advocate for the idea that the world can teach us so much. Learning doesn’t happen from doing something for a class, but rather from what we choose to learn that is from this world, what interests us can lead to our learning.

Q1: Does doing HW take out the motivation out of students?
A1: Yes and no. Yes because students do feel pressured to do the work without realizing what the point of homework actually is.  No, Kids are sometimes motivated to succeed in school and yet Spencer proves a point in that kids need time to rest and just do what they want. Homework should not be something that is demanded of students.

Q2: Is there an injustice for students who don’ have a support system at home?

A2: I t I an injustice, but the fact is that is part of life. Students must learn to rely on other sources and taking homework out of the curriculum is not the answer. With any injustice there is a solution, but that is based on what parents are willing to sacrifice to be able to provide to their kids at home.

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