Wednesday, August 8, 2012



AAC is an acronym for Argumentative and Alternative Communication. AAC are forms of communication that are used to express thoughts, needs, wants, and ideas. We all use AAC when we make facial expressions or gestures, use symbols or pictures, or write. When we think of it our ways of communicating can be seen everyday through our body language.

There are two different types of tools low tech and high tech. They both have the same role assist in helping disabled students communicate.
  1. My low tech tool that I have chosen to write about is the Go Talk Pocket. Basically this device is a portable communicator aid that has six message buttons with a built in key-guard, as well as a overlay storage system. A student can record up to ten seconds of recordings. This tool can be used in classrooms as ways of communicating in a special education setting. The buttons all have pictures to help students know what each button means and what they might want if they need assistance from a teacher. 

    2. High Tech devices are more functional than a low tech device, but their more recently developed in comparison to those of low tech tools for communicating. These can include the PC based communication software programs as seen in the gateway website. These devices can be very interesting because it is not just for students, but also for parents and educators. The function of this device helps write message in a keyboard looking device that messages can be created and stored which is a way teachers and parents can communicate. The device can also be programmed for specific purposes which is very useful because it makes this device more functioning abilities for multiple situations. Student can become better communicators by practicing their communication skills and this device is able to be customized as a student becomes a better learner.


    The term input device is basically a device that resembles a Keyboard or a mouse that assist disabled students with making selections on the computer. They come in many forms  for example a mouse can be a joy stick. The Input device is for students who primarily struggle navigating a computer.

    In looking at the Hardware options I liked the Eyetech Tm2. It is basically a replacement for the mouse and allows the student to point the object anywhere on the screen by simply looking at a place on the screen. to click on a certain area all a student needs to do is blink. This device is very helpful for students who are unable to use their hands very well, but it can be very helpful for them. The best thing about this device is that it is hands free.

    The software option that I found interesting was the one that was called the instant text 7, and I like this because it really does simplify texts for anybody and it can be for any disabled student to get assistance with writing a text. it accelerates the texting process which at times for student can be extremely important. The software has the ability to take commands, ability to be expanded, an alphabetical glossary, and a typo correct glossary. this software really is helpful for students writing a letter or a paper, and can be really useful. In a classroom for individual computer assignments this can used as  a way of helping a student develop their writing skills.

    Tuesday, August 7, 2012

    Journal #7: My personal Learning Network (Nets-T-V-V)

    What is your PLN and how will it help you as a classroom teacher?
    To begin a PLN is basically an entire collection of people with whom you engage and exchange information, usually online. MY Personal Learning Network (PLN) has been created for my classroom designed to encourage learning through the use of technology and using it to incorporate it into my classroom. Using technology for the subject matter of my English class I want to engage students to discuss their work online because it will help students learn in a variety of ways. My PLN consists of Twitter where I can have students post up comments where all classmates can read what they have to say. Then there is Diigo a website that helps students bookmark any websites that helps them out. Finally there's the Educators PLN, which help me as a teacher learn how to improve my methods of teaching/running my classroom. My PLN is resourceful to me and my students because learning is being done outside the classroom. I am engaging students to be technology savvy and be able to have fun in the process. My PLN is ongoing and changing as technology continues to advance, I will stay up to date in order to be the best teacher that I can be.
    Discuss your use of Twitter. Who is in your Network? Reflect on your participation in an educational chat on Twitter.
    My use of Twitter has been to inform those following of what I have been up to. I see Twitter as a way of being informed from a variety of other teachers. Other teachers include future teachers from my Education 422 class that I am following and others that are following me. I am also following people that I got from my Education 422 professor. My network consists of people all in the education field as well as people from the Los Angeles channel five news, and the reason I chose this because it can relate interest to my students. I have used my Twitter account for my personal use and for my teaching to engage myself with others in conversations dealing with education. This is done through chats done on Twitter.   
        I participated in a one hour chat with teachers and students on Wednesday July 25, 2012 at 5pm through Twitter and one that I found on #ntchat. The topic was on the scheduling of a school year. What I like about this was that I learned how to ask questions and I got answers back to me which was awesome. I asked some questions about collaborating with other educators, and what CSSS stood for. I learned from Professor Heil how to communicate with others by typing in their name following a # sign which would message them instantly. The discussion went pretty fast and I saw many new teachers on there as well as some of my peers. For a one-hour chat it went better than expected and there was a great involvement I thought. Twitter does expand the knowledge on students and can be fun and exciting when everyone is participating and engaged.
    Discuss your use of Diigo as a networking tool. Describe what you tagged on your PLN and why?
    My use of Diigo as a networking tool is to primarily promote my ideas to other educators. This is done by creating an account where other educators or students can refer to if they ever need assistance with lesson plans or help with assignments. I can do the same in taking ideas that have been used by others in the education field. This can be with creative writing, English, or just issues within the classroom. I can find what I am looking for by searching what I need specifically.
        What I tagged on my PLN is basically websites that have been recommended to me. For me it is very helpful for the day when I do get in the teaching profession I am able to use Diigo as a way of getting all my references and be able to look back and see what I can incorporate into my classroom. I only got the basics, but it helps me see how technology helps me further me in improving my classroom and me as an educator.
    Discuss which digital discussion forum you joined and describe what it is, add the badge to your blog, and reflect on the blog post, video, or article you explored.


        I Joined a discussion based on the newsletter where there is a search for a whole new different way of creating a newsletter. I found the discussion interesting because the newsletter is something that interested me in Education 422. This is a type of discussion that is based online through the educators PLN website. It is basically starting with a question and seeing on who responds answers you to help you improve the classroom or issues within it. When I looked over the discussion the responses made the persons job of creating a newsletter much easier because they created a new way of designing a newsletter through a website rather than publisher. I learned that through this website I can start a question that deals with problems and see what other educators advise me and it helps me become a better educator.

    Journal 6: Ten reasons to get rid of Homework

    Spencer, J. T. (2011, September 19). Ten reasons to get rid of homework (and five alternatives). Retrieved from

    John Spencer is arguing the many reasons that he doesn’t give homework to students. He is looking at statistics, experience as a father, as well as the needs of students and pointing out that success doesn’t come from kids doing homework, but rather giving them the opportunities to learn on their own. One of these choices is a student being given the opportunity to attend after school tutoring. The point is a child that is willing to learn and given these types of opportunities will learn. The key to working hard in a classroom is motivation. Spencer’s ideas lead him to advocate for the idea that the world can teach us so much. Learning doesn’t happen from doing something for a class, but rather from what we choose to learn that is from this world, what interests us can lead to our learning.

    Q1: Does doing HW take out the motivation out of students?
    A1: Yes and no. Yes because students do feel pressured to do the work without realizing what the point of homework actually is.  No, Kids are sometimes motivated to succeed in school and yet Spencer proves a point in that kids need time to rest and just do what they want. Homework should not be something that is demanded of students.

    Q2: Is there an injustice for students who don’ have a support system at home?

    A2: I t I an injustice, but the fact is that is part of life. Students must learn to rely on other sources and taking homework out of the curriculum is not the answer. With any injustice there is a solution, but that is based on what parents are willing to sacrifice to be able to provide to their kids at home.

    Journal #4: "Join the Flock" and "Enhance Your Twitter Experience"

    Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock!. Learning and Leading with Technology37(8), Retrieved from

    McClintock, S. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Learning and leading with technology, volume 37(8), 14-17.Retrieved from

    The article brought up many issues in not just learning from those around us or those that we work with. Computers now allow educators to go online and see what others are doing in their classrooms. The proper use of twitter is a good example of this. An emphasis with getting a good deal from a twitter account is to make sure you are committed to participating and engaging yourself in what others have to say. Creating an account is easy, but finding the right people that have the same interests as you is up to you as an educator. The process is then taking that information and putting it to work in the classroom. It’s interesting that as a teacher and I want to get into creative writing I can easily go on twitter and look up high school creative writing teachers to see what tools I can incorporate in my classroom. Then I use that information and retweet it so my followers can see what I got. The information and ideas are going around and their not full proof but it’s good to stay connected with others in other parts of the world. Commit oneself to using ideas that are your or from others to express what works for you as a teacher. The point of tweeting is not to make friends, but rather enhance students learning and the classroom environment.

    Enhancing Your Twitter experience by Hadley Ferguson uses the idea of Twitter to stay connected with others as a means of helping one another out. Twitter might not be exciting as first, but if one grows on the number of people they follow they will get comfortable. Getting comfortable with Twitter will improve ones confidence, and from personal experience learning to use Twitter if we just take small steps at a time to better understand and enjoy Twitter. As Educators today the article reveals for others to show your knowledge of educating like where you’re getting your resources, and put hashtags out there for others to see.

    Q1: How does twitter tie back to a classroom setting? Can students use tweet as well and in what ways?

    A1: Taking what I've read about twitter I can say that any class can have their own twitter where students can talk with a professor in or to answer questions from students especially the ones that pertain to certain assignments. Also a teacher can use twitter more when he expands it to more than what he is learning from other educators, and now students are also being included in teaching the teacher. 

    Q2: Would twitter be a good way of communicating with parents of the classroom?

    A2:I strongly believe it would be the best way. Parents need to take a priority in their child's education. Twitter can make the commitment of parents into education by reading tweets, and a teacher could ask for volunteers through tweets with parents. This is a great way of getting parents to be more involved through twitter. 

    Thursday, August 2, 2012


    I used the digital tool inspiration to deign a mapping of all the NETS-S combined with all the technology that I have gained this semester. It is the use of technology to create a vivid image as a whole to outline a lesson. It communicates that the understanding of what we have learned in the classroom this semester.